For a lot of kids in the foster care system, this picture represents just one of the many challenges they are faced with. This picture is an example of what my daughter's hair looked like just before she was placed with me. My daughter's testimony is from her time in her first foster home. I was her next home and adopted her a year later
-VaNonda Harmon-Fielder

'When I came into the foster system I was 7 years old. My foster parents had no idea on how to clean or style my hair. My hair did not get shampooed often because it was very course and hard to comb. I had gotten very bad hair fungus. My hair had large bald spots. It made me upset. I did not feel pretty. I did not fit in with my friends at school. But look at me now! I feel so happy with how my hair looks and feels. I feel Beautiful!"
-My Daughter

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